On behalf of Roeder, Cochran, Phillips, PLLC posted in personal injury on Friday, May 31, 2019.
Driving in Virginia can always be dangerous, but there are certain activities that are increasing the risk every day. Being a distracted driver places others on the road in jeopardy. In a recent survey, residents of the Commonwealth discussed their biggest fears on the road. The greatest fear is now distracted driving. People who have had an auto accident with injuries and fatalities should be cognizant that it might have been due to distracted driving and understand the importance of legal advice when considering a lawsuit.
In the survey of more than 2,000 state residents, distracted driving topped the list of concerns. Next came drivers who were aggressive, drivers who were under the influence of drugs, drowsy drivers, drivers who went beyond the speed limit and drivers who did not wear seatbelts. Distracted drivers were said to cause dangers to others, show irresponsibility, behave selfishly and to be deadly. The survey was conducted anonymously and was done online.
The governor expressed his hope that the survey would usher in the ability to alter behaviors behind the wheel. The Secretary of Transportation in the Commonwealth said that almost 80 percent of drivers admitted they were guilty of cellphone use behind the wheel. This was said despite acknowledgment of its danger and concerns about the prevalence of distracted drivers. In Virginia, there were 127 fatalities because of a distracted driving auto accident in 2018.
In total, 2,084 people took part in the survey. More than 50 percent were between 36 and 64. Close to 17 percent were 18 to 25. A significant portion believe that people are simply addicted to their devices and cannot stop themselves from reaching for it no matter what they are doing. Making matters worse are notifications from the device itself, compelling people to check.
Being in an auto accident can spark dramatic and long-term life changes. Victims will miss time at work and the income from their employment. They will need medical care. And their families could be required to assist them in even the most basic tasks. Fatalities are common and the family left behind will be forced to deal with the loss of a loved one in a personal and financial way. While a legal filing cannot turn back time to prevent the accident from occurring, it can help to cover various medical expenses and loss. A law firm with experience in motor vehicle accidents can help with the investigation and in moving forward with a lawsuit.